Associate Professor of Medicinal Analysis 2 (Quantitative analysis of medicines) (CHIM/08)
Phone: +39 0498275705
e-mail: giorgia.miolo@unipd.it
The experimental activity is focused on photobiology and photochemistry issues: the photoreactivity of drugs/illicit drugs and biological active compounds under selected wavelengths (UVA and UVB lamps) and solar light (sunlight simulator) in different matrices (solid, organic, aqueous solution, formulations) isolation and characterization of photoadducts with target substrates (salmon testes, calf thymus, plasmid- DNA, lipids, proteins, amino acids) and photodegradation products (UV-Vis spectroscopy, LD-linear dichroism (DNA intercalating agents), Solid-Liquid chromatography (TLC, HPLC, UPLC), MS spectrometry (HRMS), DNA electrophoresis, studies of phototoxic and photo-antiproliferative activity of compounds on human normal or tumour cell cultures.