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Clinical Research

The Pharmacology & Toxicology Research Teams @DSF provide pharmaceutical know-how to conduct and support clinical/translational trials, and postmarketing assessment of medicinal drugs.

They are also specialized in conducting pharmacology studies on experimental therapeutics.

Clinical Research Services

  1. Conduct of Pharmacoepidemiology studies
  2. Conduct of Clinical Outcomes studies
  3. Program and protocol development and support
  4. Bioanalytical method development
  5. Bioanalytical method validation
  6. Blood/Plasma/Serum sample analysis
  7. Tissue sample analysis / tissue distribution analysis
  8. Analyte/formulation stability studies
  9. Small molecule bioanalytical sample analysis
  10. Biomolecule bioanalytical sample analysis
  11. Metals analysis
  12. Pharmacokinetic determinations
  13. Targeted metabolite studies
  14. Analyses and interpretation of PK and PK/PD data
  15. Population PK analysis for optimal dosing
  16. Chemical characterization of small molecules, biotherapeutics, formulated products and botanical extracts
  17. Regulatory development input