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Preclinical Research

Our Pharmacology & Toxicology Research Teams @DSF focus on the development of effective therapeutic strategies.

To this aim, they make use of pharmacological and functional studies, drug repositioning, biologic therapy, and multiomics methods as an essential element in improving personalized medicine.

Preclinical Research Services

  1. Identification of molecular targets of protein-mediated diseases (genetic diseases and diseases caused by aberrant structure proteins)
  2. Identification of protein markers in biological fluids, cells, tissues, and extracellular vesicles both in patients and animal model
  3. Tumor Models
  4. Digestive System Disease Models
  5. Endocrine & Metabolic Disease Models
  6. Inflammatory & Immune Diseases Models
  7. Neural System Disease Models
  8. Behavioral Tests
  9. Histopathological Studies