Associate Professor
Phone: +39 0498275636
e-mail: rosa.diliddo@unipd.it
- Cell biology and tissue engineering techniques
- Isolation and immunophenotyping of multipotent stem cells from human adipose tissue, Warthon jelly, umbilical cord blood, human peripheral blood
- Isolation, culture and functional characterization of preadipocytes, condroblasts, osteoblasts, endothelial cells from human and animal samples; expertise in flow cytometric analysis by BD FACSCalibur TM, BD FACSCanto II flow cytometer, cell sorting by MoFlo high speed cell sorter from Beckman Coulter (originally Cytomation)
- PCR NAT based test by Roche CobasS 201
- DNA sequencing by ABI PRISM 377 DNA SEQUENCER, spectratyping by ABI PRISM 310 Genetic Analyzer
- Production of recombinant proteins, gene silencing by siRNA
- Cytokine profiling by Multiplexed Bead-Based Immunoassays
- Study of Wnt, NF-kB and BMP signaling pathways
- Confocal microscopy image analysis by Leica TCS SP5
- Acquired experience in one-step RT-PCR and qPCR